Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Accept the challenge in order to experience the exhilaration of victory"

To be quite honest, I have a hard time accepting challenges most of the time. I want all the gain and glory that comes with victory without all the work that comes with it. Well, I think its about time I get off my lazy butt and accept the challenge. I must decide to become a better woman; nothing happens by simply wishing for it. People always say, set realistic goals so you don't get discouraged if you don't reach them. However, what's the point in setting mediocre goals? Isn't the whole point of having goals to become better and to strive for the better? Is discouragement really that bad and at what cost does it come to avoid it? I could see where discouragement could be a bad thing but what about the positive... Choose to use the discouragement to make you strive to be better! No one is a product of circumstance, everyone is a product of choice.. Everyone goes through tough times and seriously rough patches (granted, some more than others). It is entirely up to you whether you CHOOSE to be better and stronger or CHOOSE to be bitter and weak. I am choosing to be better and have set the following (short and long term) goals for myself (more to come in the future):

1. Return to my first Love, the One who gives me life and has so graciously adopted me as a child of the King;
HE must INCREASE. i must decrease daily
2. BE 110-115lbs. about a year from now, February 1, 2013
3. Become an ever bettering woman, wife, daughter, sister, friend, student, and mentor
4. Be a world changer and a life IMPACT-er
5. RESPECT everyone. LOVE deeper. WALK faithfully. BELIEVE harder. CHOOSE happiness. LIVE humbly. FORGIVE freely. LAUGH everyday. BE courageous. BE disciplined. BE integrity. BE hope. BE FOREVER-CHANGED

I am relying 110% on the POWER of the One who saved me; I can't do this on my own... Challenge me, keep me accountable-I hope you will dear bloggers.

"You have to get out of the boat to walk on water"

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